Friday, February 8, 2008

Hillary Clinton’s Loan of $5 Million to Her Own Presidential Campaign Fund is Same Old Way to Get Around Campaign Finance Laws that Bill used in 1992.

A loophole in Campaign Finance Laws that is big enough to drive a Mack Truck through, is that the Candidate is not restricted in the amount they Give or Loan to Their Own Campaign !

That is why we see so many Rich Folks running for Office.

An added bonus for any politician who is in an office and who can attract a lot of Political Donations is that they can Lend Themselves Money Now --- and Pay Themselves Back Later from more than Willing Lobbyists, PAC Funds, and Those Who Want To Buy Influence.

In 1992 when Bill Clinton’s campaign was neck and neck with Paul Tsongas, they both pretty much depleted their campaign war chests by the time of the Florida primary.

But Clinton, being the Sitting Governor of Arkansas was able to get an “unsecured” loan of $ 3 million for his Campaign from an Arkansas Bank --- Worthen National. With Fresh Money, he was able to bury Tsongas in Political Ads !

Much has been made of the fact that there was a lot of foreign intrigue involved in the Worthen loan --- but regardless of who owned or controlled the bank, and whether or not Clinton later paid off with political favors --- it was a very safe loan for the bank to make.

When you make a loan to a Sitting State Governor for political purposes, you know that whether they win or lose the race, they can hold fundraisers after the race (and a governor attracts a lot of political campaign funds) to pay off the loans.

So the question becomes --- Is Hillary Betting $5 Million that she can win the Nomination ? If She Loses the Campaign, does She Lose Her Money ?

My guess is that as a Sitting Senator from the State of New York --- Win or Lose --- Hillary can quickly Pay Herself Back through Future Fund Raisers.

Her $5 Million is as safe as being in the bank.

What Do You Think ? Please Leave Your Comments !

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