Thursday, January 3, 2008

Is Hillary the Cop Out Liberal Vote Against the Black Man

Back in 1970 or thereabouts, I was at a symposium on Civil Rights.

Noticeably at this symposium was a strong representation of Feminist Speakers, who were espousing that Women needed Civil Rights recognition, programs, incentives and advantages --- as much as Blacks did.

The New Feminist Movement was already a few years old and getting well established, but this was at a time when they were actively attaching their movement to what had been predominantly a Civil Rights movement against discrimination (and worse) against Blacks.

Leaving the symposium, I happened to be talking with a Black guy I knew from other such events.I was stunned when he said to me me something to the effect that: "With all the Feminists jumping on the Civil Rights Movement --- so much for advancement for the Black Man"His statement hit me like a bolt of lightning, and I have remembered it all these years.

Of course I asked him what he meant, as I regarded the Feminist Movement as being a neutral force, at worst, in regards to Black Civil Rights.

He explained that in his opinion, as the Feminists' movement gained traction, it would become an alternative for employers and other institutions, and allow them to proclaim they were being Tolerant, Diverse, Equal and Affirmative in their hiring and promotion practices, because they were doing so for the Women as a Minority --- while at the same time, doing very little for the Advancement of Black Men.

Although I could see his point, I didn't think it would come to that. I actually thought the inclusion of Feminists in the Civil Rights mainstream, would be like the fabled "rising tide", which would raise all boats.

Over the past 37 years, however, I regretfully have to say I was wrong and he was absolutely right. Every study I have seen in the past several years show that unemployment is worse for Black Men than Black Women. and White Women fare better than Black Women.

Of the three groups, both White and Black Women achieve more in education and wages than Black Men.

Even when it comes to assistance programs, almost all of them are geared to wards Women with far fewer to Men. Those programs in part, help to subsidize the increasingly prevalent single parent, female led households in the Black community. The common consensus is that such "Fatherless" households contribute greatly to increased crime, violence, drug use, lower educational achievement and poverty in the Black community.

It seems that the social safety net programs we do have, put Black Women in charge of the purse. The irrelevance of the Black Man, has to some extent become a product of the design of numerous government programs.

The Civil Rights Movement has failed the Black Man and America's Liberals have turned their backs on the Black Man, in favor of the Woman -- preferably White Woman, but makes some room for the Black Woman too.

The current Democratic Party race for President has been described by many as an opportunity to make history as either electing the first Woman President, or the first Black president.Based upon the history of Civil Rights in America so far, Women, and especially the White Woman, has been the overwhelming preference over the Black Man.

As the self proclaimed Liberal Voice of America will the Democrats be "copping out" by going for Hillary Clinton, a White Woman, over Barack Obama, a Black Man ?

Is the "Cop Out" in ---- to keep Obama out ?

What's YOUR TAKE ?

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